Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pats Lose!

This is unbelievable. I know I've been hating on the pats for the longest time and I have a lot of hatred for certain professional teams like the Lakers and the Yankees, but usually, the team I'm rooting against wins.

I dunno, I've had so much hate for the patriots as an organization and for their fans that I somehow feel sort of bad for hating the teams so much. Its probably because of how gracious they responded to the loss. But I definitely don't feel any remorse for those arrogant pats fans who made the website, selling t-shirts pre 19-0.

Anyway, it was a pretty amazing defensive game for the Giants mostly because the patriots have seemed unbeatable during the regular season. I was still nervous when Brady threw the last hail mary pass.

Congrats giants. Even though I never really liked you guys, you deserve it. Go Steve Smith!